July 3, 2010

Reschen Mountain Pass

We startet our vacation by driving to South Tyrol via the Reschen mountain pass. The Reschen lake is artificial and buried a whole village, Graun, when in 1950 the area was flooded. Only the church steeple can be seen today and reminds of the old village of Graun. They build a new village nearby, but they say that the old inhabitants of Graun are still suffering from the loss of their homes...

Wir fuhren dieses mal über den Reschenpaß nach Südtirol. Der Reschensee ist ja ein Stausee und überflutete 1950 das alte Dorf Graun. Nur der Kirchturm ragt heute noch aus dem Wasser und erinnert an das alte Graun. Man hat in der Nähe zwar ein neues Dorf mit dem gleichen Namen errichtet, aber man sagt, daß die Leute, die im alten Graun gelebt haben, bis heute den Verlust ihrer Häuser nicht überwunden haben...


sukipoet said...

eerie. they have done that to some towns around here too, to make reservoirs. but i dont think any church steeples remain above water. haunting painting

Joan Sandford-Cook said...

It seems such a ghastly thing to do to a whole village - can't imagine anyone would get over it and the church tower must remind them daily. The painting is a memorial to their suffering.

Britt-Arnhild said...

This is amazing Claudia. Thanks for sharing.